I don't know about you, but I'm always a bit curious what other women carry in their handbags. Those small items we tote around each and every day can reveal a lot about our lifestyle and our interests. It is inside a woman's handbag where you will find her absolute favorite, most essential products. Today I thought I'd let you peek inside my bag and share some of the little necessities I must have with me at all times. Clockwise from top left:
1. Parisian Chic Weekly Planner. I'm all about planning and list making, so having a nice journal is a must. This one had a pleasant bonus - weekly style advice from Ines de la Fressange. I had it for several years and am a bit heartbroken it wasn't re-released for 2015.
2. Rifle Paper Co. Botanical Notebook. I always carry a notebook to write down blog post ideas. You never know when the inspiration might strike.
3. Express Card Case. (Similar here). I typically carry a full size wallet and switch a to a card case whenever I wear a clutch or a miniature handbag. The truth is, my wallet is so old and unsightly that I wanted to spare you the disgust you might feel from the dingy thing. Needless to say, I'm in desperate need of a new wallet, and I have my eyes on this classic Cuyana beauty.
4. J.Crew Heart Key Chain.
5. Anthropologie Sunglasses. (Similar here). This is without a doubt my most beloved and worn pair of sunnies. I love how versatile this style is. It looks just as good with flirty dresses as it does with jeans and T-shirts.
6. Clinique Chubby Sticks (in Chunky Cherry, Curvy Candy and Plushest Punch). I love that I can easily apply these sans mirror. Their subtle color is perfect for everyday use.
7. Zenith Handbag. (Similar here).
8. Pocket Mirror.
9. Miniature Perfumes. I often keep at least one miniature bottle of fragrance in my bag. Those little sample size bottles that come free with purchase are great for this purpose since they are so compact and lightweight. You can currently find a mini bottle of Tory Burch and Fresh Life perfumes in my purse.
10. Neutrogena 3-in-1 Concealer. Most days a week I go makeup-free with an exception of a few dabs of concealer around my chin. Yes, I do get occasional chin acne that always leaves some red marks that seem to linger for months. As Tina Fey says, "I have the chin of a teenager." So it shouldn't come as a surprise that good concealer is one makeup item I can't live without. This Neutrogena one is intended for the under-eye area, but I prefer it over the medicated blemish concealers which I find to be too drying.
11. L'Occitane Hand Cream. My hands get severely dry during winter (to the point of skin cracking). This classic shea butter hand cream helps keep them under control.
12. Fine Tooth Comb. Anyone who has ever had bangs (I've had them my whole life), knows how quickly a bit of wind or sweat can turn them into what looks like greasy noodles. Not a good look! Trying to separate them with your hands only makes them oilier faster. I always keep a small comb handy to freshen them up. It also works great for brushing out dry shampoo.
11. A Nail File. I miss the days when my hair and nails were strong and healthy. If anyone has any advice on how to improve them I'd greatly appreciate it. Just like my hands, my nails can get dry and brittle, especially in the winter. I have to carry a nail file around for those broken-nail emergencies.
12. LensCrafters Lens Cleaner. You don't get to see me in my glasses on the blog very often, but I'm actually four-eyed most of the time. Though I don't always clean my glasses properly (sometimes using a bottom of my own or Mr. C's shirt is just so much quicker), I try to be a good girl and use this spray and cloth kit to care for my beloved Warby Parkers.
13. Rifle Paper Co. iPhone Case. I clearly have a thing for Rifle Paper Company goods.
14. iPod Nano. I don't usually listen to my nano through the headphones, but I love to blast it in my car. What kind of music might you find on it? Oh, a little bit of everything - from the classics to latin pop. It's quite a random mix.
15. Orbit Spearmint Gum. Always!
16. Ballpoint Pens. I always seem to misplace my pens, so I usually carry several of them, just in case. These came in a set of three and have fun captions on them.