{Fresh flower crown I made at Athropologie crafting event.}
I've always wanted to attend one of the Anthro events, but their timing has never worked with my schedule. I'm so glad this flower crown workshop was held on a weekend, even if it made me roll out of bed earlier than I usually do on Saturday mornings. It's been years since I worked with flowers, I had almost forgotten how much pleasure it used to give me. It was also a nice surprise to find out that the workshop was taught by Kelly Marie, the owner of Fleur - the most darling little flower shop in Logan Square. I've been to her store many, many times, and have always really admired it.

{Fresh, nourishing, and delightfully fragrant rosewater mist.}
I've heard many good things about this Jurlique rosewater balancing mist. What I didn't realize was that just one small spritz will not only give me soft, moisturized skin, but will also bring back so many memories. It took me a few minutes to pinpoint why the fragrance of rosewater felt so familiar to me. Then I remembered that I used to have something very similar from good old Avon back in my high school days. My mother used to sell their products to her friends and coworkers, so naturally all of my first beauty products were by Avon. Now every time I use Jurlique, I can't help but travel back in time for a moment.

{A pair of statement pearl earrings.}
These beauties are almost identical to the famous Dior pair, but only cost a (very small) fraction. They also came in seriously adorable packaging, accompanied by a free introduction gift. Nicely done Baublebar! Nicely done!

{Baublebar understands the importance of presentation.}

{A growing collection of prints.}
As I was looking through the prints I purchased over the past year, I realized that all of them share a similar color palette and style. It's as if they were meant to hang together. Now I just have to find the right frames and dedicate some wall space for them.
Clockwise from top left: "Angel of Fertility" by a Lithuanian artist Aurika Piliponiene, "Elephant Dream" by Yelena Bryksenkova, "Fancy Food Fight" and "Oh Savannah" by Kelsey Garrity Riley (I bought these prints at The Paris Market In Savannah, GA and had a pleasure of meeting this talented artist), "Still Life with Live Flowers" by Emily Winfield Martin.
Clockwise from top left: "Angel of Fertility" by a Lithuanian artist Aurika Piliponiene, "Elephant Dream" by Yelena Bryksenkova, "Fancy Food Fight" and "Oh Savannah" by Kelsey Garrity Riley (I bought these prints at The Paris Market In Savannah, GA and had a pleasure of meeting this talented artist), "Still Life with Live Flowers" by Emily Winfield Martin.

Every walk around the neighborhood ends with pictures of flowers. I'm a sucker for things in bloom.
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