
June 25, 2013

A Little Bit of Retro

{Anthropologie dress, Coach wedges, vintage handbag, JCrew belt, Madewell bracelet}

Hello everyone! I'm back! In case you were wondering about my absence on the blog, we just moved to a new apartment. As much as I wanted to squeeze in a few posts during this hectic time, it just didn't happen. Dragging boxes up 3 flights of stairs until 1 AM every night for over a week completely drained us of  energy. I didn't even open my laptop once during that time. I've never been so sleep deprived in my life - except for my  first summer in the US slaving at Cedar Point amusement park. I kid you not, I would fall asleep standing up. This might be a reason why I'm still childless. I love my sleep too much. You don't wanna be anywhere near me when I don't get enough of it. Anyway, we survived it. Sore and exhausted, but we did it. And then, just as we thought it was all over, Mr. C got doored while riding his bike. We're very lucky he got away without any life threatening injuries, but there's no way he was going to be able to hold a camera while on crutches. There went my photographer. And that's how I ended up taking an unintentional break from the blogging world. I wish I could say I was exploring Caribbean beaches instead.

On the other note, I figured my come back deserved a special outfit - something fun, ultra feminine, that I can twirl in a full circle. The latter is still a crucial factor for feeling good in a dress as it was in my childhood years. This old Anthro number has all of these features. I just hope our neighbors didn't think I was cuckoo twirling around in it during our stroll.


  1. I wondered where you went.

    That is awful about being doored. I always wondered about bikers in the city. That is scary. Good thing it wasn't serious. Although crutches sound serious enough.

    On a ligher note I just love this dress! Funny enough you look super rested here. Might be the blogging break : )


    1. Yes, we are very lucky with his injuries. It could have been much worse. He landed on his back though, so now he can't sit or stand for longer than an hour without pain, which is hard not to do for a web developer. Also he sprained his wrist, and of course it had to be the right one. I suppose I also should be happy it didn't happen before the move.

  2. Glad to hear the Mr. Is doing somewhat ok. This "older" dress as you called it, is the perfect welcome back dress. Love the retro vibe, especially accented with your fun red lips. Twirling for your neighbors is a great way to introduce yourself.

    1. Good point! Now I just might be known as the crazy lady that lives next door.

  3. three things i love....1. your outfit. 2. you enjoy sleep as much as me 3. cedar point!

    xo The Egg

    1. Thank you, Meagan! It's funny that you mentioned Cedar Point. I could talk for hours about my summer there. As hard as it was working there, nothing will ever top off the fun that I had during that time.
