
May 31, 2013

Simple Delights

{Stop and smell the lilacs}

Every year when the lilacs fill up the air with their irresistible scent, I feel nostalgia take over me. It reminds me of spring in Lithuania, where lilac bushes line almost every road. It also reminds me of a silly trick we did as kids. You'd have to look for a lilac flower with only three petals instead of the usual four. If you were lucky enough to find it, you'd make a wish, eat  the little flower and wait for your wish to come true. I'm not sure who started this rather strange game, but  I might just be up for a challenge to find that lucky three-petaled flower again.

{A beautiful gift from Les Arts Plastiques}

This gorgeous piece will be a perfect addition to all the purples and lilacs in my closet. Thank you Alicia!

{Dreaming about Paris, in color.}

{While eating French macaroons, of course. }

{Admiring this gorgeous red maple tree illuminated by the setting sun.}

{Golden hour at the square}

Such a great way to unwind at the end of the day, soaking in the sounds and the scents of spring.

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